BALTIMORE — A pregnant woman, a mother, two children and a man forced were forced to make a run for their lives Sunday night.
Dominique Wright and her boyfriend had just put her 3-year-old son and 4-year-old step son to bed.
“It was a big boom that happened,” Wright said. “I got hit in the back of my head with the wall, the wall fell down on me. We had to go run and get my kids and when I went in that room the whole floor was just full of debris. We found my son first and all I saw was his leg and I was terrified that was all I was going to find.”
Wrights pregnant sister was sleeping on the couch and was able to rush the 3-year-old out while they searched for the 4-year-old boy.
“It took us forever to find my stepson,” Wright said. “When we found him he was up under everything. He was up underneath his bedroom door and his closet. We grabbed them came outside.”
Baltimore City Fire hasn’t confirmed there was an explosion.
A spokesperson for BGE said they found no readings of gas, no leaks were found in any pipes, and that no repairs, gas order calls or leaks were found in the last year.
Wright said there were no fire alarms going off or flames before the walls started coming down.
“I know my neighbor who has been there longer than me had complained of carbon monoxide,” Wright said. “I had a carbon monoxide ago a couple weeks ago to a month ago. Firefighters had to come out and all that got done was my stove was replaced.”
We don't know that carbon monoxide was the cause of what happened here.
That's something investigators will have to figure out.
The children and Wright's pregnant sister are all now out of the hospital.
We’re told Red Cross is taking donations at Edgecombe Circle Elementary starting Tuesday at 10am.