BALTIMORE — Mayor Elect Brandon Scott swung the gavel one last time final as Baltimore City Council President on Monday.
“I have enjoyed each and every moment working with all of you who are on this council,” Scott said. “Looking forward as we move forward, understanding that this council is in good hands. I know my former council seat is in great hands , I know this President seat is going to be in great hands”.
One of the last bills he created as City Council President is the Landlord-Tenant Right to Counsel in Eviction Cases bill.
It’s Aimed at keeping people from experiencing homelessness, which is a growing concern as more people struggle to pay rent during the pandemic.
It was also the final city council meeting for the two longest tenured members.
Councilman Ed Reisinger represented the 10th district for 30 years.
“I appreciate and will miss the relationships that I’ve established in City Hall and outside City Hall. I’m going to really miss the people,” Reisinger said. “The community reps, business community reps, my colleagues in the past and my current colleagues.”
Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke first became a councilwoman in 1975 and was the first woman to ever be City Council President.
“My goal has been to as an elected official to be an elected official who retires without having to commit a crime,” Pat Clarke said. “So, so far so good. Thank you all for being my family city Hall.”
Scott has been putting his team together over the last few weeks.
On Monday he named Chris Shorter to the newly created City Administrator position and Michael Huber Chief of Staff.
“We have a lot of work to do and no we’re not going to always agree. As councilwoman and everyone else has said today it’s about making sure that things are not personal but that we are moving the city in the right direction for Baltimore and I know we will do that each and every day.”
Brandon Scott will be sworn in as Mayor Tuesday at noon.