

Looking for work? WorkBaltimore job fair looking to hire

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Thousands will be vying for jobs at the Baltimore Convention center on Wednesday.

The WorkBaltimore job fair kicks off at 8:00 in the morning, and the city has been gearing up for months.

Leading up to WorkBaltimore, the city hosted workshops teaching applicants how to create a resume and conduct themselves during an interview.

RELATED: WorkBaltimore job fair expected to bring thousands of job seekers

Hundreds of companies are at the fair looking to hire. You can expect insurance companies, to bakeries, and even utility companies.

Organizers say there's jobs for everyone here, regardless of level of education or criminal history.

The mayor is hoping this will change the current unemployment number in the city that sits around six and a half percent.

If you haven't registered yet, workers will start signing people up at 7:30 a.m.

The fair goes on until 6:00 Wednesday evening.