

Reaction to President Trump's speech

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For his part the president said he sees this speech as an opportunity to persuade congress and the American public. Earlier today he gave the work of his young administration an "A," but his messaging a "C."
Outside of the normal hot button topics like immigration, education, tax reform, protecting the nation and unemployment, the president also spoke about unity, strength and renewal of the American spirit --he even mentioned helping inner cities including Baltimore.
Some say his first month has been racked with controversy and divisiveness, others say the president is delivering.
"Donald Trump has been the most divisive president in modern history and i think that everything is in jeopardy that people have worked for not only in the state of Maryland but across the country," said Maryland General Assembly Speaker, Mike Busch.
"Mr. President, stick to your guns. We're going to be judged by what we do, not how quickly we do it," Senator Lindsay Graham said this week. 
This is the first time President Trump addressed a joint session of Congress--Republicans standing strong with him.
But here in Maryland, protests continue--this time to save Planned Parenthood and healthcare, two things the president has threatened to overhaul.
"It's super important for us to be together, it's super important to show support for all of the social movements," said Karen Nelson, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Maryland. 
Other democrats say, President Trump's first 5 weeks has proven to be chaotic and worry about the fate of the country's cornerstones.
"The Affordable Care Act, public education, quality healthcare delivery and infrastructure, all those things are at risk including all your civil liberties," said Busch. 
The 1st Vice Chair of the Baltimore County Republicans, Maria Pycha, had this to say about the president's performance.
"We are extremely hopeful with what we've seen from President Trump.  We are hopeful that a much improved healthcare system is implemented soon and a sound immigration policy that ensures the safety of all Americans."
While Tuesday's address mirrored that of a "State of the Union," President Trump won't deliver his first official "State of the Union" until 2018.