It's something that happens every day, police officers performing traffic stops.
But sometimes those stops end up making headlines with officers accused of racial profiling.
That's why a local group known as 'Together We Will' hosted a presentation on showing people and police how to stay safe.
The event was called "A Black man's guide to surviving a routine traffic stop" was created out of what Attorney Charles Fuller called a need.
“Black and brown men in the US in disproportionate numbers. Most often they are stopped for alleged violations while driving such as speeding or DUI. But quite often they are stopped for DWB. Driving while black,” said Fuller.
The unexpected happens with something as simple as a man reaching for his wallet.
“The Officer is shooting at him and he says what are you shooting at me. He says you dove in your car! He says you asked me to get my license so I went to get my license.”
Fuller wants people to know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk when you see the flashing lights behind you.
1. Turn on a signal because then he knows what your intentions are
2. Turn your car off so he knows that you're not going to try and pull off as soon as he tries and get out of his car
3. Make sure the officer sees both of your hands on the steering wheel so now he knows you don't have a gun or a weapon.
4. Turn the interior lights on
If the officer is at your window, wait for him to ask for your license and registration. Then ask if it is okay to grab it from the glove department.
If you are asked to get out of the car, roll your window up and lock the door when you get out.
“We should be able to trust in the people around us but we can’t always. We do have to be careful and sometimes we might have to change the way that we talk, the way we move, the way we speak,” said Desmond McAllister, Edgewood High School Sophomore.