BALTIMORE (WMAR) — After 32 years, the Arena Football League is closing it's doors.
On Wednesday, Commissioner Randall Boe announced that the league had filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
At the end of October, the league was forced to close their team services and business operations units, costing several jobs.
The league blamed a portion of their financial struggles at the time on lawsuits filed against them by an insurance company that covered the league from 2009 through 2012.
In its last season, the league consisted of six teams including the Baltimore Brigade who played at the Royal Farms Arena since 2017.
Baltimore finished the 2019 season with a 7-5 record. In 2018, they lost in the Arena Bowl Championship game.
The Arena Football League has issued the following statement.
— Arena Football League (@OfficialAFL) November 27, 2019