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'The Black Father Perspective: What we want America to know'

10 dads share their stories
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BALTIMORE — "The Black Father Perspective: what we want America to know" is a collection of ten fathers' stories.

“A father brings validation, A father brings identity it brings strength and protection,” said Jason Woodford Sr. “I think that’s what this book brings is a changing of the narrative that we are present.”

Kimmoly Laboo, an author and publisher, said she put the book together to give a voice to an underrepresented and under-appreciated group.

“To show the positive side of the black male in our society,” said Laboo. “Its a very important message to put out right now because of everything that’s happening in the world. It’s allowing people to see how it should be done. It’s allowing people to see that our black men are very valuable to our communities.”’

Each dad takes us on their journey.

Wayne Mundell, a father of two daughters talks about co parenting.

“I got clear on who I wanted to be as a man, who I wanted to be as a father,” said Mundell. “Once I set that standard I just asked myself am I meeting this standard? I am great. If I’m not let’s take it up another level. I think that’s important for Co parenting.”

It’s a celebration of the hard work these men put in to become role models for their children.

“We actually cultivating and strengthening our children to be positive people out here in society,” said Kenneth Gilmer.

Jamarr Jones had twins when he was 17 and he shared how dads and their children can excel despite any adversity they may face.

The twins are both in college now and his two younger daughters are straight A students.

“Even though you may feel like you don’t have what you need, once your child is born you’re going to know that you have everything you need to take care of them,” Jones said. “But you have to be willing to sacrifice to make sure that child’s life is everything it needs to be.”

Topics like marriage, divorce, child support, they don't shy away from the tough subjects.

“We can’t say anything to our 17-year-old self anymore, we made those choices,” said Brian Horshaw. “Those things are over, I’m 34 years old now. But I can’t speak a word of wisdom to my daughter when she’s that age or even when she’s younger.”

Brian’s young daughter London described what a good dad can offer better than anybody.

That four letter word they all shower their children in.

“He just loves me a lot and I love him a lot too,” London said.

Generational knowledge of what to do and what not to do.

“When you become a father you can do better for the mistakes that you’ve seen,” said Nathanial Harris. “That’s one of the things I wanted to do is highlight the errors I’ve seen in my past. Now that I’m a father now I’m not missing the golden moments of baseball games soccer games just being a good dad.”

The book and the heart deeper than any cover.

A binding to be celebrated.

If you are interested in a copy of the book click here.