

Thousands of women participate in Great Challah Bake


Song, spirituality and sisterhood. That was the theme at Wednesday night's Great Challah Bake hosted by the Baltimore Shabbat Project.

Imagine 4,000 women connected through religion and baking.

"You know theres spirituality in numbers," said Saralee Greenberg, Co-Chair of the Baltimore Chabbat Project. "When you're in this room and you're with 4,000 women, it makes the hair on your arms raise. It gives you goose bumps and it makes your heart warm. So that's why you do it with a crowd." 

There were 6,000 lbs of flour, 10 ounces of oil and 8,000 eggs -- enough for every woman to make two traditional challahs from scratch. It's all in preparation for Friday night Shabbat dinner.

The Great Challah Bake wasn't just happening in Baltimore; it happened in 913 cities around the world simultaneously. It was part of a global celebration of Shabbat.

Greenberg says she makes homemade challah every Friday, but nothing compares to making it with 4,000 of her friends.

"It just makes it more special, and it makes it meaningful, and it makes you realize that you're not just one person, you're part of a whole community."

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