

U.S. Bishops meet in Baltimore amid post-election anxiety

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There have been six straight days of protests around the country since Donald Trump became president-elect, and U.S. Catholic Church is noticing.
As hundreds of Catholic bishops met in Baltimore, they paused for prayer.
The bishops come to Baltimore every year from around the country to hold their fall general assembly as part of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Usually they come to address church teachings and exactly how to mold them in a changing world. This year, already, they've addressed the presidential election and much of the unrest around it.

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There were hymns, prayers and the serving of the sacrament at a Prayer for Peace service at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in Sandtown.
Conference president, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, told bishops Monday at their conference that protecting the rights of refugees is of high importance. President-elect Trump said often during the presidential campaign that he would build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and would focus heavily on deportation.
"We need to head into the deep and announce the good news if we are to reverse the rising violence and the falling civility," Kurtz said during the Mass.
The conference sets guidelines for church teachings in the country.
"I think they understand very well," said Rev. Ray Bomberger, who presides over Mass at St. Peter Claver. "It's really a question about what do we do as a church. How can we be a more vibrant presence in the midst of all that?"
Before the bishops return home, Atlanta Archbishop Wilton Gregory, Monday, encouraged bishops to draft a statement on race in the context of post-election uncertainty.
The conference is set to last in Baltimore through Thursday.
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