Thousands of people could soon see higher water bills if a proposal by the Baltimore Department of Public Works is approved.
Under the plan, water rates could rise by nine percent each year for three years, starting in July.
This would add $8 a month to a bill for a family of three, so that would mean by the year 2022, that family of three would be paying roughly $300 more a year.
DPW also wants to increase the stormwater remediation charge, also known as the 'rain tax' by nine percent a year. They say the rate hike is necessary to keep up with on-going repairs to the city's aging infrastructure.
They anticipate that by the year 2027 water rates should remain steady.
DPW is also proposing a water billing assistance program that they say would cut low-income families bills by 43 percent, and provide assistance before customers fall behind on their bills.
These proposals must be approved by the mayor.
You can sound off on these proposals during several public hearings planned for next month, including one on December 11 at the Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Church on Walbrook Ave. Another one is planned on December 12 at the National Federation of the Blind in South Baltimore, and on December 15 one will be held at the new Waverly United Methodist Church on E. 33rd Street.