Four Baltimore County firefighters have been deployed to help with emergency management in response to the historic flooding in Texas.
Fire Lt. Byron Welker and Fire Apparatus Driver Steve Yealdhall, left Sunday morning as part of a team that specially trains first responders. Both are regularly assigned to a Texas Fire station which is home of the County's Urban Search and Rescue Team.
Welker and Yealdhall will be in the Fort Worth area, and will get their assignments from FEMA.
"Our thoughts and prayers remain with everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey and its catastrophic aftermath. I am proud that Baltimore County is able to lend its expertise to help our fellow Americans suffering in this historic disaster," said County Executive Kevin Kamenetz.
Fire Chief Kyrle W. Preis III also said this kind of emergency is exactly why BCoFD participates in agreements with FEMA,
"Our job is to make people with the needed skills available when disasters like this occur. We don't know what role our personnel will be asked to play in Texas. We do know that they are committed and willing to do whatever they're asked to do."
Two other EMS Lieutenants, Kevin Palmer and Rick Blubaugh, flew to Dallas on Friday as part of a disaster medical assistance team.