PARKVILLE, Md. — Do you remember the day you made your first every basket in a gym?
Kistner, Crum, Edwards, Celenza, Stewart, are just five out of thousands that have had that experience during the legendary Al Hahn St. Ursula Basketball Tournament.
Now, in its 34th year, the gym which seats 25 people comfortably always feels like there are 50,000 for every game.
“She is about business, she is about business, she is, this is a job for her,” said one parent talking about their daughter on the court.
We are talking 4th-8th graders. Grandparents, mom and dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends they all come back to Parkville. It’s a cross between March Madness and a family reunion.
“It’s electrifying in here, you really feel all of the energy. The kids are so excited, the parent’s are here, the alumni are here,” said one watcher.
Mr. Al died years ago, but his wife Maureen keeps his memory alive buy keeping this tournament alive.
“This school is our life, and it still is,” said Maureen.
Nobody has a better concession stand. We're talking crab cakes! It’s a well oiled machine with volunteers that give their heart.
If you take two steps, a ref blows a whistle. If you take three steps, you bump into someone you fouled years ago.
“There are people here whose kids are long gone out of college and they are still here,” Maureen.
This is the tournament your team bonding started, the night you hit your first basket, that night will never go away. Ever!