Schimunek Funeral Home was packed all day Thursday and until after 9 p.m. Thousands of people came to say their final goodbyes to the late Officer Amy Caprio.
RELATED: Public viewing draws hundreds for fallen officer
Crowds lined the building and people of all ages held candles and flowers across the street looking on. Many who came to pay their respects didn't know Caprio who was killed in the line of duty Monday afternoon.
So many of those same people just wanted to be there to give her a hero's sendoff.
Black bunting covered the two patrol cars Caprio drove. One of them from Essex, where she first served. The other, car 814, from her Parkville post.
Officers could be seen giving their final send off to one of their own, hugging and talking outside of the funeral home as they too watched the droves of people hoping for their chance.
Caprio would've turned 30 on Sunday. The four suspects surrounding her death all face murder charges. Caprio's superiors said she had a bright future with the department.
Much of Belair Road near the funeral home was closed for most of the day and evening Thursday to accommodate mourners, many feeling the gamut of emotions.
"I think it's unfortunate and I think it's wonderful to see all these people out here to support the family and friends. I feel a little angry too about it and sad. I'm glad to see the crown," said Baltimore County resident, Michelle Furst.
Caprio's funeral will be held Friday at Mountain Christian Church.