

3 boys from Md. build and design robots

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Three boys from Maryland and their families are headed to Louisville, K.Y. to compete in the Vex IQ World Championship.

Vex makes parts for robots and the kids take the part and make our great inventions of the future.

Ten days after the parts arrived on a UPS truck, 10-year-olds went to work clicking, plugging and snapping parts into place.

These Riderwood 4th graders won competition after competition. They've built robots that can pick up balls and throw them into a basket and they did it from scratch. 

There's no manuals, all of the inventions come from the minds of these 4th graders. 

The Towson team is now up against world competition. Teams from China, Malaysia, Mexico, Ethiopia, India, and Hong Kong will be competing in the World Vex IQ Championships in Kentucky. 

See video above for Jamie Costello's full story.