

Harford Co. family wins award for heroin PSA, wants to make difference

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With the number of overdoses getting worse from opioids and heroin, one Fallston family took up the fight to do something about the deadly trend.

The Dietz Family just won an award for a PSA they wrote and produced for the county.

"It's such a sensitive topic and it's sort of close to home for us because we've had family members who've been affected by drug abuse as well as friends and their children," said Emily Dietz.

Dietz and her sister Allison spent hours putting together the PSA warning of the dangers of heroin and opioid abuse.  It got the attention of Harford County government officials.  The PSA will be seen by everyone who goes to the movies in Harford County.

"We know more eyes are going to be on it and it's going to spread the message further," Dietz said.

For some it was just a contest sponsored by the county, for the Dietz Family, it was a way to be a part of desperately needed change.

"If we all work together then we can really fight against it and that's what were really fortunate to be a part of," Allison Dietz told ABC2.

Deciding to enter the county's contest was a no brainer for the creative sisters.

"We love making videos together and we can make a difference by doing this so lets give it a shot," Dietz said.

The PSA, which stars the pairs younger brothers will and ben, shows how a happy life is ripped a part when drugs take over.

"The ending scene of my son dying of a heroin overdose shook me to my core," Greg Sietz, Emily and Allison's father said.

Harford County officials say they're grateful to the Dietz family for answering the call to help end the heroin epidemic in the county and beyond.

Here's a link to their PSA.