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Mamie's Cafe offering delivery, pick-up

and last updated

ABERDEEN, Md. — As people across the country make dinner plans for the next few nights, think about the businesses in the area and their employees who are struggling right now.

Let’s all do our part to help.

Keep our local restaurants in business. A lot of local jobs depend on your support.

Mamie's Cafe in Aberdeen is offering delivery and curb side carry out service.

Owner Brenda Webber said she's just trying to keep her employees working.

"It's just not the big companies it’s the little people that work for the big companies. It’s all of us together. It’s the cleaners next door I don’t see people coming in and out anymore it’s the barber you know it’s down the street a Chinese restaurant its all of us that need help right now," said

Mamie's will deliver orders of $40 or more in Bel Air orders of $30 or more in Edgewood, orders of $20 or more in Abingdon and Havre de Grace, and orders of $10 or more in Aberdeen.

To place an order call 410-273-8999.