

Man gets 30 years for killing 9yo boy over cake

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -- A Maryland man accused of fatally beating his girlfriend's 9-year-old son over a missing piece of birthday cake has been convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Thirty-one-year-old Robert Wilson took the plea deal Thursday in Hagerstown. He tearfully told the judge he regretted his actions but he laid some of the blame for Jack Garcia's death last July on the boy's mother and her brother. They face trial on second-degree murder charges in May.
Police say Wilson beat Jack unconscious after the boy's uncle, Jacob Barajas, handcuffed him to a chair.
Prosecutors say Jack's mother allowed the abuse and delayed treatment for hours by sending away an ambulance.
Neither the uncle nor the mother, Oriana Garcia, has entered a plea in the case.

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