

Maryland one of six states to receive grant for opioid epidemic recovery

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Maryland is one of six states to receive aid in opioid epidemic recovery from the National Health Emergency Demonstration Grant. 

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that $22 million will be granted to six states, one of them being Maryland. The hope is that the funds will be used to provide reemployment services to people who have been impacted by the health and economic effects of opioids.

“President Trump is fully committed to fighting the opioid epidemic, which has devastated lives, families, and communities across the nation,” U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta said. “A family-sustaining job is a critical step toward long-term recovery and healing from opioid misuse and abuse. These grants will provide services to help Americans impacted by opioids rejoin the workforce.” 

The other states receiving the NHE Dislocated Worker Demonstration Grant are: New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Washington State, Rhode Island, and Alaska. 

This comes after President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a national Public Health Emergency in October of 2017.