

Tips for choosing the best High School for your child

and last updated

Your 8th grader may already have his or her eyes on high school.  Before they get to that next chapter, parents you have some homework to do.
"The best advice starts with your child ask first of all what is it that you're looking for."
Private and Magnet schools are starting the application process for next year.
Mia Redrick, the Mom Strategist says there are things you should consider when picking the perfect school for your student.
"If they need more diversity in their world you need to make sure in your school search you can account for that.  If they're looking for more math and science you want to make sure in your admissions search process you're finding out what kind of extracurricular activities the school has."
"When you choose any school, whether it's a private school or a local magnet school pick one that's convenient because it doesn't matter that the school has wonderful access to all kinds of things if you can't get there on time or your child can't participate."
Once you narrow your selection, schedule a shadow day.
"It's your opportunity to figure out really if that school is the right fit for you, or not and it's also an opportunity for you to see inside of that school and see whether or not you feel comfortable in that environment."
Once you apply, there will be testing and in some cases interviews.
While magnet schools are typically free, private schools often come with a hefty price tag.
"Many of the schools almost all of the schools offer financial aid and even some of them offer merit scholarships that can be applied for you just have to check that website in advance and see if you qualify.  Don't be shy about reaching out and seeing what kind of resources are available for your family."