In this special series of 2 BMore, we focus on the ongoing violence in Baltimore City. Over the next several weeks, we will talk to survivors who buried their loved ones along with those in leadership tasked with making the changes our city so desperately needs. In this episode, T.J. speaks with incoming Baltimore City State's Attorney Ivan Bates about his plans for the office and how he intends to reduce crime in Baltimore.

T.J. Smith is a retired police commander, former chief spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department, former press secretary for the Baltimore County Executive, and a former Baltimore City mayoral candidate. More recently, Smith partnered with Jimmy’s Famous Fund where he assisted in raising more than $600,000 over the past year that was donated to small restaurants in Baltimore, children for a holiday experience, and the families of a police officer and firefighters killed in the line of duty. In addition to hosting the 2Bmore Podcast, Smith consults on government, leadership, and law enforcement issues. He is also a frequent guest on a national news outlet and TV One network programming.

Ivan Bates was elected Baltimore City State's Attorney in November 2022. He has more than 25 years of experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney. An army veteran, he has 15 years of leadership experience.
Prior to being elected, he was the managing partner of the law firm Bates and Garcia, LLC and one of the most sought-after attorneys in the country. He started Bates and Garcia, LLC in 2006. While there he led a team of legal experts and represented numerous clients in various states. Bates is regarded as a thought leader and is often called on by local and national media to share his knowledge and expert opinion on legal matters.
Bates is no stranger to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office. Before becoming a well-known defense attorney, he was a successful prosecutor from 1996 to 2002. Working as an Assistant State's Attorney (ASA) for Baltimore City was his first position after passing the bar exam in 1995. He litigated numerous complex cases and became an ASA in the Homicide Division, advocating for families victimized by violent crime.