In this episode of 2 BMore, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby talks about the investments needed to grow Baltimore into a thriving city.

T.J. Smith is a retired police commander, former chief spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department, former press secretary for the Baltimore County Executive, and a former Baltimore City mayoral candidate. More recently, Smith partnered with Jimmy’s Famous Fund where he assisted in raising more than $600,000 over the past year that was donated to small restaurants in Baltimore, children for a holiday experience, and the families of a police officer and firefighters killed in the line of duty. In addition to hosting the 2Bmore Podcast, Smith consults on government, leadership, and law enforcement issues. He is also a frequent guest on a national news outlet and TV One network programming.

As husband, father, leader, mentor, professional and public servant, City Council President Nick J. Mosby has never forgotten his humble beginnings and will never turn a blind eye on his city, people and community. A native son of Baltimore City, Nick graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and went on to study Electrical Engineering at Tuskegee University, a historically Black college in Alabama.
Upon receiving an engineering degree, Nick returned home. In 2011, Nick ran for City Council and as a Councilman created and ran a mentoring program for juveniles awaiting trial as adults. He also passed legislation banning the requirement of criminal records on job applications, as well as introduced and passed legislation stopping liquor stores from selling merchandise to minors. In 2015, throughout the Baltimore City unrest, Nick argued that the rioting was the result of years of neglect of Baltimore’s youth, lack of employment opportunities and poverty that lead to people to fend for themselves in unproductive ways.
Nick took his fight from Baltimore City Hall to the Maryland State House in 2017 where he was appointed to the House of Delegates in the Maryland General Assembly. As a State Delegate, Nick successfully passed legislation to allocate millions of dollars in financial aid for GED recipients, enact fair hiring laws for formerly incarcerated citizens, end the draconian practice of taking property based on late water bills, and strengthen Maryland’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities by creating tax credits to increase endowments. Nick successfully won election in 2018 to the House of Delegate, where he served as a member of the Ways and Means Committee and Chair of the Election Law Subcommittee.
As Council President, Nick looks forward to continuing to advocate for Baltimore City residents and pass meaningful legislation that will improve the lives of our residents. He is a proud member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, and worships at New Psalmist Baptist Church of Baltimore.