

Teachers at elementary school in Towson get a pleasant surprise

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TOWSON, Md. — The Orioles are days away from taking on the Texas Rangers in the playoffs.

Now some lucky teachers will get to see the action in person.

On Thursday the team and Dunkin Donuts surprised teachers and staff at Pleasant Plains Elementary in Towson with free coffee and Dunkin gift cards.

It's in celebration of World Teachers Day.

They also gave one teacher free tickets to a playoff game this weekend.

For the winner, it's more than just supporting the hometown team.

"My parents have always been vendors outside of Orioles stadium. So ever since I was a baby I have been downtown at those games. So those are very near and dear to my heart. I am so used to being outside of the game so I don't have many opportunities to go inside. So this is really a nice treat. I think I'm going to take my mom," said Sara Cox, a second grade teacher at Pleasant Plains.

That teacher also got a present that will help all year long, free coffee from Dunkin for a year.