
Calling all superheroes: Fat is not the enemy


As part of my triathlon training and overall fitness goals, I signed up for my third 21-Day Superhero Challenge. 

Now I know what you're thinking, here's another fad diet plan that you do for three miserable weeks and then end up reverting to something else. 

Well this program is totally different. It's tough, don't get me wrong, but it's about a lifestyle change and really understanding your body and what you're feeding it.

The idea is to cut sugar for the 21 days. All sources of sugar, and there's a lot of tricky names for sugar. You also cut most carbs for the duration. So no pasta, potatoes, rice, etc. The plan is to increase fat intake and protein so that our bodies fuel with fat rather than sugars and carbs. 

Yes, I just said increase your fat intake and no it won't make you fat. That's a giant myth. Don't believe me? Read it for yourself. 

So I've made it through week one, which is always the worst. The first four days are real rough, with sugar withdrawal headaches, but now that I'm past that point I can really focus on my diet and workouts. 

This challenge is perfect for me because everything is online and right at my finger tips. Creator Emily Schromm sends daily emails with either a lesson in health, nutrition or mobility or a workout. 

Here's the deal. There's rules you have to follow each day and you log your points to following along. Rules include no sugar, no alcohol (gasp!), no grains, drink half your body in water, and doing 10 minutes of mobility a day which can be a workout or stretching. 

Plus, new to this edition of the challenge is a buddy system. Members are posting on a Facebook group to give each other tips, recipes and encouragement. At the beginning of the challenge everyone logged in and found a buddy to check in with every day during the three week challenge.

If you're struggling with your fitness goals, I definitely recommend this program. It's not easy, but certainly gets results if you stick with it.

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