

Trips That Make Cents: Exploring the Robinson Nature Center


COLUMBIA — We are bringing back our "Trips that Make Cents" series.

This where we find fun activities for you and the family that won't break the bank.

We stopped by a place in Howard County where kids can learn all about the great outdoors.

The Robinson Nature Center in Columbia is both affordable and educational.

The day we stopped by students from Mount Airy Christian Academy were visiting on a field trip.

They had a brief class before they got to explore the center.

The center features Nature Place, which is a natural play area located outside

On the inside, you will see a Discovery Room where kids get to see live animals.

On any given day, you might see Gordy, the terrapin or Leo, the corn snake.

To visit, it's $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for kids.

Visitors will leave leave learning a lot about nature.

Inside the Robinson Nature Center you'll also have the chance to walk through the Deciduous Forest.

This is used as an educational tool to let people know about the different seasons.

The Robinson Nature Center also offers programs for adults.

So, no matter your age, you can come and explore.

For more information, you can visit: Robinson Nature Center