ODENTON, Md. — Jan Donnelly, a manager with the Anne Arundel County Health Department, gave WMAR a preview of one of two new vaccinations sites that will open in the county this week.
The O'Malley Senior Center Annex in Odenton is one and the Lula G. Scott Community Center in Shady Side is the second.
They are set up for those 75 and older.
The Lula G. Scott Community Center will open Thursday and the O'Malley Senior Center will open Sunday. The sites will be open as long as they have vaccines to give out.
At the Odenton center, they will be using the Moderna vaccine. Individuals that go to this location will need a second shot and that appointment will be made before they leave from their first shot.
Those 75 and older have the most difficult time navigating this whole process and that brings on a lot of frustration, but after they get their shots that frustration goes away.
"We've had people just break down and cry that they are so happy and especially after their second does they feel such a relief."