

Severe Storms Possible Saturday

Temperatures soar into the upper 70s ahead of cold front...

Saturday, we find ourselves in the warm sector of a storm system. Strong southerly flow will propel afternoon temperatures into the mid to upper 70s—despite having lots of clouds around. Those clouds and relatively weak forcing will limit the intensity of storms in the morning, but as we head into the afternoon we will see slightly higher dewpoints and CAPE (storm fuel) — which will give us a chance at seeing some strong to severe storms. Looks like our biggest threats here will be damaging wind gusts and hail.


If you have morning plans, I wouldn't cancel them — just know that it will be cloudy and damp as a cluster of showers will be pushing through the area around 6am. I expect a break from showers late morning and early afternoon with only a stray shower opportunity. As we head closer to the 4 o'clock hour, we'll see a line of thunderstorms develop— this is where the potential for damaging winds come into play.


Breezy winds linger into Sunday, but they switch directions. Northwest winds Sunday will gust up to 35mph, keeping temperatures in the lower 60s. We rebound nicely back towards 70 by Monday!
