WeatherWeather Blogs


A Cold Front Moves In Tonight...

Don't worry...the dry stretch continues!
and last updated

I know many folks are enjoying the dry stretch of weather and glorious amounts of sunshine! Keep an eye to the sky this evening-early Thursday as you may see some clouds build in overhead. A cold front will drop southward from the Great Lakes region, but looks to be moisture-starved. Model guidance keeps us dry throughout the overnight hours and the only form of moisture associated with this system will be in the form of cloud cover... well for the Mid-Atlantic region at least. While conditions remain dry for us here at home, our friends up north across New York and northern Pennsylvania will see thicker clouds along with scattered light snow showers on the backside of this system. In the wake of the cold front, winds will shift out of the northwest, and we can expect wind gusts to range anywhere from 25-35 mph at times Thursday afternoon - dropping temperatures to more seasonal levels.


However, it will feel a little chillier on Friday. Colder conditions will persist Thursday night-Friday night thanks to winds veering out of the northwest with frequent gusts up to 25-35 mph at times. This is why temperatures will struggle to hit the low-50s Friday. Much of New England and the eastern seaboard will be dealing below climatology temperatures.


Don't worry, temperatures will bounce back quite nicely heading into early next week! :)
