WeatherWeather Blogs


Beat the heat

Heat index values on the rise...
and last updated

How are you planning on beating the heat? Whether you like it or not, the 90s are sticking around throughout the rest of the week! Overheating can lead to heat illnesses. Water and the AC unit will be your best friend. Avoid headaches, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke by limiting time outside and drinking plenty of water.

Due to the increase in humidity, it will be feeling more like the mid-90s later today. The hottest part of the day: 12-6 PM. Run those errands in the morning or later this evening when temperatures are coolest.


Make sure you and your furry friend have plenty of water if you plan to go for a walk this afternoon during the peak-heating hours. Help your pets escape the heat by keeping them indoors today. Remember, if it's too hot for you, then it's too hot for them!


#StevieDanielsWX #BeatTheHeat #SummerHeat #Safety

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