WeatherWeather Blogs


Can't let your guard down...

and last updated

March arrived yesterday and it came in like a lamb/lion hybrid!

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Morning light rain then dry with afternoon sun was the lamb part. The gusty winds up to 50 mph were the lion part!

March is known for it's wild weather..... its ups and downs. Ups and downs is exactly what the temperatures will do over the next 7 days.

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Today highs are below normal, only in the low to mid 40s, but tomorrow temps will be above normal in the mid to upper 50s. Temperatures go right back down into the mid 40s to end the week.

Although we will stay dry over the next several days, March is a wet month with an average of 3.90" of rain. Plus, don't forget that some of the biggest snow storms have occurred in March.

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Many look forward to March because big events and holidays, from St. Patrick's Day to Memorial Day occur in this third month of the year.

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Stay tuned!