

Coat & Scarf Or Shorts & T-shirt?


I took a poll Tuesday (yesterday) about having a cold Christmas versus having a warm Christmas. The verdict is is pretty much split! Some want a cold Christmas and some want a warm Christmas. Below are the responses:



Patti Cross SNOW & Cold.
Cynthia Graham Warm
Raymond Martin Warm.
Gail Willis Warm
Davon Henry Warm
Lisa VanPoppel Warm!
Mark Hall Cold, with allot of SNOW!!!!
Jerome Bozeman shorts/t-shirt and flip flops. maybe i should move to Hawaii....LOL
Vern Sutphin cold and snow 3 feet
Duane D. White Sr. Cold… Tradition
Patti Reilly-Ayers White Christmas
Andrew D Turner Cold
Rich Tuck Warm to hot
Wayne Jones Cold Christmas, unless I were living in Nevada! lol tongue emoticon
Kimberly L Harper Any temperature as long as I do not have to shovel snow! lol wink emoticon
Lynette Charles Good answer, Kimberly! Haha:)
Gay Koslowski Cole a White Christmas
Tracey Johnson Cold, with a nice fire in my fireplace! ???
James Brown I would prefer a miracle a LYNETTE i know dream on
Robert Foote Cold wink emoticon
Bob Hample Cold.
Chucky Hudgins Warm motorcycle weather, no snow!!!
Terrance Ltee Barksdale I want snow. Blizzard. Few inches.. so when should I expect
John Boyd Warm
William Mcphaul Good morning. Cold with a little snow would be nice! Warm is for wimps! Ijs
Michael Schuster Definitely warm...
Joe Thomas Cold & Snow on the ground. Makes me remember the good old days when I was a kid, getting up Christmas mourning & running downstairs to see what Santa OR my parents had got me. (LOL) You have a great holiday Lynette, with your beautiful self!
Dar Ell Warm.
Mary Wilson WARM
Lamont Anderson Cold and snowing
Gaetano Treviso Warm! Golf weather smile emoticon Can you make it happen? Please!?
Chris Zee Cold and snowy!!!
Calvin Campbell Snow!!!!all day
Kathy Anzick Wissmann Cold with lots of snow .
Lisa Frankel Warm
Cliff Lins Jr Love them both. Maybe a little of each.......
Carlton Cobb Cold
Tim Miller cold snowy Christmas....then bring on the spring by new years day
Chuck Gmurek Good Morning Lynette !! I prefer a Cold Christmas, it just wouldn't feel right otherwise....Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday !!!?

Right now, it looks like the lovers of the warm weather are going to be the winners. Yes, there is a major cool down this weekend but temperatures rise again for the week of Christmas. 

Remember lovers of cold weather, there is always next year!