WeatherWeather Blogs


Drought conditions getting much better

It could get worse this week with very little rain
and last updated

BALTIMORE — I have good news and bad news.

The good news is - we have made improvements on the drought monitor this week.


Our moderate drought shank from 19.42% to 15.68%
Abnormally dry conditions went from 32.57% to 15.68%
Finally - we went from 67.43% of the state having no dry conditions to 73.81%!

There are still 1,101,732 people in the state in drought conditions. Which brings us to the bad news. We still have a ways to go and likely won't get much rain this week.

Here is a look at the rain chances over the next seven days:


We have had 24.73" of rain so far this year our average as of Friday is 28.81" which means we are still about 4.08" off. That isn't too bad, but that number will certainly grow with next week's update.

We will keep you posted here.