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Frost formation

Science with Stevie
Posted 9:10 AM, Dec 29, 2022
and last updated 9:35 AM, Dec 29, 2022

It's time for Science with Stevie!

Let's talk about frost!

During this time of year, we often see frost form on our car windshields and grassy surfaces. We all know it is frost...but do you know how it develops?
Frost forms when the temperatures outside are cold enough for water molecules in the air to freeze. This process is known as "Deposition" (the opposite of evaporation). This is the formation of tiny ice crystals without the development of liquid water. Frost is more common on objects and surfaces that cool at a faster rate than the surrounding air.

Here are the key ingredients for areawide frost formation:
1. Clear skies
2. Cold temperatures
3. Light winds

#SciencewithStevie #StevieDanielsWX #Frost #Winter
Instagram & Tik Tok: stevie_daniels_