WeatherWeather Blogs


Happy National Pizza Day!

The 50s stick around until...

Today is a favorite for many folks as it is National Pizza Day! Today is a wonderful day to enjoy a nice slice of yummy pizza (with all the best toppings) outside as the sun is shining bright! Temperatures will climb into the low to mid-50s today. I am forecasting high temperatures between 5-10° ABOVE normal. It is all thanks to southerly wind gusts clocking in around 20 mph at times, which is drawing in warmth!


The 50s stick around through the rest of the work week! Temperatures will flirt with 60° on Saturday which would place our forecasted high temperature about 13° above average. We are not expected to break the record high of 73° that was set back in 1999, but it will certainly feel more like early spring time!


We will put an end to the mild stretch on Sunday as a cold front that moves away from us. We will go from daily highs near 60° on Saturday to a chilly high temperature of 39° on Sunday! Which temperature do you prefer?


