WeatherWeather Blogs


Has it been extra windy?

March is our windiest month
March wind

BALTIMORE — Have you noticed the wind this month? Maybe you have been asking yourself if it has been windier lately. You're not alone. I forecast the weather every day and have found myself asking that too.

March is our windiest month! I went back and looked at the numbers over the past few years. So far, (23 days into March 2025) our average wind speed has been 9.1 miles per hour. We still have about a week left to settle that final number, but at this pace, we will end up with the windiest March in years!

March and April are particularly windy for us because we start to warm up. Spring can bring a huge range of temperatures, and it is the mixture of that warm and cold air that makes it so windy. Air pressure is constantly trying to equalize; high pressure is always trying to move towards low pressure. The stronger the pressure difference, the stronger the wind.

I looked back at the past few years for comparison. Last March, we averaged 8.5 miles per hour, and the year before that, 8.4. I went all the way back to 2021, and the highest average I could find was 8.5.

We could still end up with a lower average if the last week of March isn't windy. Time will tell! To answer the question at the beginning: it is indeed a very windy month! It could end up being the windiest March in the past four years!