BALTIMORE — Can you believe that June is already coming to an end? It flew by! We started the month off on a hot note, where we tied the old record high of 97° on the 2nd. Taking a glance back at the temperature trend so far, you'll see that the majority of the month experienced near average temperatures in the 80s. There were a total of 20 80° days. We had 5 days with below normal values. The day with the coolest high temperature (67°) was on the 22nd.

Models predict that temperatures will be in the upper-80s today and Friday as we wrap up the month of June. It looks like we will be starting off the month of July with seasonal & hot temperatures, in the upper-80s and low-90s.

#StevieDanielsWX #Temperature #June #Summer
Instagram & TikTok: stevie_daniels_