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Look up for tonight's "super blue sturgeon" moon

This is the start of four supermoons of 2024...

BALTIMORE — Heads up sky watchers in Maryland! We have another significant reason to look up this evening. Tonight, August 19, is the first "super" moon of 2024. This full moon is dubbed "super" because it falls within a few days of "perigee" which is the closest point to the moon's orbit to the earth. In 2024 we are on tap to see four "super" moons ad this one is the first. The other super moons this year are in September, October, and November. In addition to the "super" characteristics of the moon this moon is also a "blue" moon. A "blue" moon refers to the third full moon of the season. Of course, it is based in folklore, not science, so it is not a scientific fact. Lastly, the Farmer's Almanac gives every full moon a nickname, and this August's moon is the "sturgeon" moon. It's called that because the sturgeon fish was plentifully caught during this time of year. So once the clouds move way this evening go out and see the "full blue sturgeon" moon!
