WeatherWeather Blogs


March is the date but it feel like May

Temps are warming, peaking on Thursdays
and last updated

Bring out the bell bottoms, we are celebrating the 70s this week. 71 degrees is usually what we see in the beginning of May, but it arrives to us this Thursday! Maybe all the excitement is causing me to get ahead of myself.

Monday starts out frigid. It will be almost 10 degrees cooler than normal, in the low 20s due to clear skies ad light winds. By the afternoon though those clear skies get us to the seasonal low 50s.

Tuesday is the day you may want to eat lunch at an outdoor restaurant as temperatures go 10-15 degrees warmer than normal. There will be a few clouds in the sky, but hey, it is still warmer than normal.


High pressure will dominate the area at the surface and aloft thus forcing temperatures to climb. Dust off the tank top, you may need it Thursday and Friday. A cold front pushes through Friday evening bringing temps down, and they stay down for most of the fallowing week.