WeatherWeather Blogs


March Milestones

More sunshine and warmer temperatures, a sure sign of spring
March Preview

We made it to March!

That marks some major milestone for us weather wise.

Here are some highlights:

Come Friday the 3rd our sunset will be at 6:00pm! This will be the first sunset at 6 or later since November 5th. We don't stop there! By the end of the month our sunset will be at 7:29. With a 6:52 sunrise, we add a lot of light. From he first to the 31st we add 1 hour and 17 minutes of light.

The naturally warms us too. With a more direct sun angle and longer light our temperatures jump. Our average low temperature goes from 30° to 38° and our highs, on average, go from 50° to 60°.

That is our averages, but lets talk extremes. 90° has happened in the month, but it is rare air for sure. That record high for the month was set in 1945. On the flip side, it can get cold. Our record low was 4° just 9 years ago in 2014.

Enjoy the extra sun!