WeatherWeather Blogs


March Outlook


As it stands, now, we are 26 days away until spring. Tuesday and yesterday it felt like spring, summer in fact, after setting a record of 79 degrees yesterday, February 21, 2018. With the warm air in place, many have been wondering was Phil correct in predicting 6 more weeks of winter? Well, looking at the long term set-up....winter is going to make a comeback!

As the days get closer to the month of March which in turn gets closer to spring, people have one or two reactions: Happiness that the cold and snow are coming to an end or sadness that the cold and snow are coming to an end. The truth is the happy people should not be so happy and the sad people shouldn't be so sad because March is a wild card, anything can happen.....Mother Nature is fickle to the core in March!

As a March baby, I have seen my share of snow storms around and/or on my birthday, so I have experienced first hand that temperatures can get cold enough to support snow and a lot of it! 

The weather pattern is going to change as we head into the beginning of March. The jet stream will take a southerly dip across the Northeastern states which will drag in much colder air from the north. Cold air may get locked in due to an atmospheric road block as high pressure sets up near Greenland. This set-up causes storms to track farther south in the eastern part of the U.S. Also, it causes the west-to-east motion of storm systems to slow down.

Bottom line, snow lovers, I'm saying there is still a chance, so stay tuned!