WeatherWeather Blogs


Mid-May Memo

The 80s make a comeback...

Can you believe that we are basically at the mid-point of May?! Time has been flying by and before we know it, our average daily high temperature will be 80° at the end of the month! So far this month at BWI, we have had 2 days with high temperatures in the 50s, 3 days in the 60s, 7 days in the 70s, and one day with a high temperature of 80° (which occurred on May 2nd).

Here is a sneak peek at the high temperature trend for the next several days. We should be in the 80s on Sunday and Monday, before we trend more seasonal by the middle of the work week. Highs climb back above normal by Friday for Black-Eyed Susan Day, in the mid-80s.



Instagram: Stevie_Daniels_