Each month, we like to keep track of the ever-changing weather conditions, and sometimes the day-to-day can get lost in the big picture. Pulling from the National Weather Service's website for Baltimore/Washington International Airport a normal month of February, for Baltimore, consists on average (1991-2020):
- A daytime high temperature of 46.4 degrees
- A nighttime low temperature of 26.9 degrees
- and 2.09" worth of precipitation
In comparison, this year's data shows, on average, high temperatures and nighttime lows tracking right around normal.
Baltimore saw 12 daytime high temperatures above normal, with two of the warmest days at 66 degrees on February 25th and 26th. We saw our nightly highest low temperature for the month on the 27th at 43 degrees.
On the other end of the spectrum, Baltimore saw 16 days below normal for highs. Our coolest temperature registered on the 19th of the month at 26 degrees. The coldest low for the month occurred a few nights later on the 22nd at 16 degrees.
So, the average for this year's February consisted of (2025):
- A daytime high temperature of 46.3 degrees.
- A nighttime low temperature of 28.9 degrees.
and 2.31" worth of precipitation
So, the second month of the year has hit all the marks and even exceeded expectations for a few categories. Baltimore acquired all its normal rainfall with the addition of a few tenths of an inch.
For the month, on average, February was 1 degree above normal and would be considered (near) average.