Conditions are abnormally dry across the majority of the state. Baltimore city, central Harford, Baltimore, Howard, and western Anne Arundel counties are under a moderate drought.

June is off to a dry start...shocker. From June 1st to now, we should have already received 0.67" of rain at BWI. Around 4" of rain is how much rain we normally receive throughout the month of June. So far this year, we have only picked up about 10" of rain since January 1st, which is nearly 8" below average for this time of year.

Give the flowers in your garden and your lawns an extra drink of water this week, because once again, we have minimal opportunities for rain this week. Right now, model guidance displays the best chance for showers on Friday and early next week.

#StayTuned #Rain #StevieDanielsWX
Instagram & TikTok: stevie_daniels_