WeatherWeather Blogs


Record tying warmth expected

The unseasonably warm air is still here and could be record tying on Monday...

BALTIMORE — This past weekend was a great one for all the warm weather lovers out there. Temperatures on Saturday and Sunday were in the upper 70s with a few spots hitting the 80 degree mark.

While those temperatures were not record, Monday has a chance to tie our record for the day thanks to the warm air still hanging around.

Monday is expected to start off warm with temperatures hanging in the upper 60s and low 70s during the morning hours and will continue to climb thanks to the abundance of sunshine and southerly air. This will set us up to see our temperatures peak in the mid to upper 70s before a cold front sweeps through and changes our wind direction.

The record for Monday is 77 degrees and was set back in 2020. With BWI being forecasted to reach 77 degrees this would tie the record and could possibly break it if the winds and sunshine are really out in full force.

If you are looking for November to stay this warm there is some bad news for you. We will see our temperatures drop right after this week as we get a brutal reminder that we are in late fall now.

Stay tuned!