WeatherWeather Blogs


Summertime is Finally Here!

Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat!
and last updated

Today marks the first day of Astronomical summer! I know so many of us are ready to kick off the summer season!

Here are the three causes of the seasons:
1. The movement of the Earth around the sun
2. The tilt of the Earth
3. The sun angle


The Summer Solstice began at 5:13 AM this morning, which is when the sun is at it's highest point over the Tropic of Cancer (Northern Hemisphere). The earth's Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, while the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. This provides us with the longest amount of daylight of the year (around 15 hours of daylight). After today, the days become shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice begins in December (shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere).


For the first official day of summer, you can expect seasonable temperatures with afternoon highs in the mid-80s. There will be more clouds in the sky today compared to yesterday but the weather pattern remains rain-free. There is a chance of a spotty shower over the Eastern Shore later this afternoon.


Humidity levels will climb a bit higher today so it will feel a tad stickier outside this afternoon/evening.


The muggy meter shows the humidity levels increasing through the rest of the week and into the weekend!



Insatgram: Stevie_Daniels_