WeatherWeather Blogs


Sweet September

A glance at the stats
and last updated is officially Meteorological Fall! Astronomical Fall does not begin until Wednesday, September 22nd. This summer has been filled with countless days of excessive heat and humidity, so I know we are all ready for pumpkin spice lattes, apple picking, and cooler temperatures!

Here is a look at how far the average high and low temperature fall from September 1st - 30th. We will start off with average morning low temperatures in the lower-60s on September 1st and towards the end of the month, we should be waking up with temperatures beginning in the lower-50s! Another 10° drop between the normal high temperature on September 1st (84°) to 74° on the last day of the month. The average amount of rainfall for BWI is 4.44" for the month and we are already at 4.13" thanks to the remnants of Ida.


