WeatherWeather Blogs


The drought returns to central Maryland

The dry stretch of weather has pushed the state back into a moderate drought...
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drought monitor last week.png
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Posted 1:27 PM, Nov 17, 2023

BALTIMORE — The latest drought monitor is showing that the drought has returned to central Maryland as a large swath of the region is now under the moderate category.

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Compared to last week, we have seen a significant expansion of the lowest drought category into the central portion of the state as we continue this very dry stretch.

drought monitor last week.png

Last week's drought monitor showed it was only in Frederick County and portions of Washington and Carroll Counties. Given the lack of rain, we are now back to over seven inches of missing rain from the start of the year at BWI airport.

missing rain.png

Luckily, we are seeing a trend of wetter weather to help relieve this dry spell over the next week or so.