WeatherWeather Blogs


The power of humidity

Getting a little sticky next week

BALTIMORE — We are getting to that time of year where it isn't just the heat that makes it feel hot. It is also the humidity. The dew point is a good measure of how much moisture is in the air. Think of the dew point like this. It is the temperature where water droplets begin to form as condensation. The closer the air temperature and the dew point is, the more humid an air mass feels.

60° dew points are a good reference point where things start to feel stick. Below that is generally comfortable in the late spring and summer. That is what made Friday feel so great! We had warmer temps and a very low dew point, or a very dry air mass. That will be the case for Saturday and Sunday!

After that humidity makes a bigger comeback. Temperatures climb and so does the humidity with forecasted dew points in the mid 60s. Expect the heat index or feels like temperature to go up to near 90° by then.