WeatherWeather Blogs


This is no April Fool's Joke...

A Battle Between Winter & Spring...
and last updated

As March comes to an end, we have to take a glance at what to expect during the month of April! Average morning temperatures will increase almost 10 degrees from April 1st to April 30th. Average high temperatures will start at 59 degrees BUT by the end of the month, we should be in the low-70s!

The normal amount of rainfall for the month of April is 3.19" with 0.0" of snowfall... but we could be kicking off April with BOTH types of precipitation! This is no April Fool's joke...

A cold front moves through today bringing a good 3-6 hour window of steady rain with lingering off and on showers this evening. Isolated storms are possible, especially in southern Maryland. Wrap around moisture will continue to flow in on the backside of this storm system Thursday morning (April 1st) AND winds will shift out of the northwest. This will usher in colder air from the Great Lakes region, thus allowing for some wet snowflakes to fall across the mountains. A few flakes could mix in across lower terrain to the north and west of I-95 but no accumulation is expected. The bulk of the precipitation should wind down by late-morning Thursday with some sunny breaks in the afternoon.


When it's all said and done, rainfall amounts of 1-1.50" can be expected with localized amounts up to 2" to the south of the city. Isolated instances of flooding cannot be ruled out so watch out for pondings of water on the roads.

