I hate that we need to do a reminder every year, but it always happens. Someone gets hurt or even killed after being in a hot car for too long. The good news is, it is very preventable! Use this as a friendly reminder to be extra vigilant.
Let's start first with the science behind this. When you park your car in the sun it effectively becomes a greenhouse. Light comes in through the glass, then is absorbed by your car's seat, steering wheel, etc. That heat is then radiated back into the car in the form of long-wave radiation that can't escape through the glass. This means our 90° temperatures can get up to 135° in just an hour.
Here are some things to think about:

While most incidents happen in the summer, not all of them do. According to the National Weather Service, one-third of child hot car deaths occur outside of the summer.
I know it sounds obvious but; always check the backseat. It may be crazy to imagine this, but every year there is a story of a person who forgot their child was in the car.
Always keep your parked car locked. Children get curious and if they find themselves inside an unlocked car - it can get hot fast.
You may be surprised to hear that even 70° weather can be too hot! in one hour, the car's temperature can get to 115°.
Stay safe this summer! It never hurts to double check.