WeatherWeather Blogs


Winter Is Holding On Tight!

Flirting with the 60s late-week...
and last updated

What a morning! Not only did we wake up with rain showers, but snow and even some ice were recorded in parts of Maryland! As expected snowfall totals were unimpressive, with Millers in Carroll County receiving the highest measurement of 0.7". Most locations north and west of I-95 saw a trace. Temperatures are warming up slowly so any additional precipitation that falls today will be in the form of rain.

Stevie's Scoop 3/9

Clearing takes place later this afternoon and evening as high pressure builds back into the region. With some moisture at the surface, some fog may form overnight. Temperatures will drop to seasonal levels tonight, near freezing. Some slippery spots on roadways are possible for the morning drive Thursday.


Temperatures will gradually recover to seasonable levels Thursday afternoon with highs in the low to mid-50s! We will be flirting with 60° as we wrap up the work week!



Instagram: stevie_daniels_